Wednesday, May 29, 2019

5 Ways to Gain Weight in a Healthy Way

Most of the people I met ask for my advice on how to lose weight, but some of my clients are actually trying to gain pounds, which is not as simple as it might seem. I will read from time to time about a representative who had to gain weight for the role, and talk about how wonderful ice cream, pasta, bread, cheese and cakes drop. This is one way to gain weight, but it is not the best way. (Related: More women trying to gain weight through diet and exercise)

Dr Usman Amiruddin is here to provide his patients with safe, effective surgical and non-surgical treatments for all areas of the body. I am a Certified Plastic Surgeon and medical aesthetics who focus on building the relationship with each patient while helping them to understand the procedure process. I provide all cosmetic, plastic & burn services under one umbrella.

I work sometimes with clients who have lost weight due to dental surgery or a digestive problem or stress or illness, and I try to return to a healthy weight. As a sports nutritionist, I also work with professional athletes who tend to lose weight over a hard season. In all these cases, the goal is to gain weight while improving health, and there is a science for it. After all, the old phrase "you are what you eat" is that the real nutrients of food are the raw materials used by your body to build new cells. An unwanted diet full of junk food does not give your body much to work with. I always say it is like building a cardboard house and tape instead of brick and mortar. In other words, it's not just calories.
Here are five "good gains" rules I share with my clients:

1. Do not let more than four hours pass without eating.

Your body needs a constant supply of energy because it is like a motor that is always running (your heart always beats, blood circulates and your mind and muscles work). When you skip meals, you deprive your body of the fuel it needs to continue. The result is sinking your energy bank, which unfortunately includes muscle mass. The best way to prevent your body from losing any important tissue is to eat regular meals, three to five hours apart. If you are trying to get a new muscle tissue, the timing of the meal is particularly important. Sometimes my clients tell me they are "eating all the time", but when they actually start to keep a food diary, they realize how bad their patterns are. Consistency is the key. (Related: Muscle Building Foods to Eat for More Definition)

2. Eat many foods at once.

Always aim for at least three food groups. Instead of just a banana or a bunch of nuts, make a few slices of whole-baked toast with almond butter slices and banana slices (BTW, a post-exercise cardshop breakfast), along with a glass of organic skim milk or alternative milk . A wider variety of your body provides a wide range of food to work with throughout the day.

3. Eat healthy, but dense foods.

The best way to increase nutrition without having to eat large amounts of food or resort to junk food is to choose foods rich in nutrients that contain lots of carbohydrates, protein or fat in a small meal. Dried fruits are a wonderful example. With the water removed, the portion shrinks by 75 percent, turning a glass of grapes into a quarter cup of raisins. Just make sure to look for dried fruits without adding sugar or preservatives. For another nutritious snack packed with electrolytes, pleated oats, dark chocolate chips, and dried fruits chopped in almond butter. Pour the pieces about a quarter of a roll, roll them in small balls, wrap them in tarpaulins, and have a snack all day. (Related: 3 easy protein protein recipes that will replace those boring bars)

4. Drink your food.

Fluids are not full of solid food, so when you try to gain weight, you can add nutrition without feeling bored or bloating. Good choices include 100% fruit juice, skim milk, milk substitutes (eg organic soybeans or cannabis) and juices. The juices are ideal (more than yogurt) because you can support them with all sorts of good things, such as wheat germ, walnuts, carrot juice and protein powder. (Try a high calorie juice after exercise to gain lean muscle.)

5. Eat directly before bedtime.

Many of the healing, repair and renewal processes occur during sleep. It is like rush hour to build muscle and fat-free tissue, so a healthy snack just before bedtime ensures a new amount of food available to "go to work" inside the body. One of the great choices that do not make you feel stuffed is to have a small bowl of pasta salad made from 100% whole grain pasta (wheat or gluten-free alternative), vinegar sauce made with extra virgin olive oil, chopped or sliced ​​vegetables and lean protein like beans Or chopped chicken breasts or organic cheeses.

Facts about Eyebrow Transplant Surgery

# 1 Design your browser the way you want

Whether you lost your injuries in an accident or were constantly tamed by years of threading, eyebrow transplants can reverse the damage. In addition to restoring eyebrow hair, eyebrow surgery allows patients to design their own eyebrows.

This vision is that patients can discuss with the surgeon. This professional will first outline the new eyebrows, and patients can decide to continue or change the design.

Dr Usman Amiruddin is here to provide his patients with safe, effective surgical and non-surgical treatments for all areas of the body. I am a Certified Plastic Surgeon and medical aesthetics who focus on building the relationship with each patient while helping them to understand the procedure process. I provide all cosmetic, plastic & burn services under one umbrella.

# 2 It’s Durable

The most similar hair is the hair behind the ears. Therefore, this area serves as a hair supply for this procedure.

The surgeon extracts follicular units from behind the ears and implants them in the eyebrows to achieve the desired shape. Organ transplantation has no effect on grafts, by the way. The area behind the ears continues to generate hair properly.


# 3 Implanted hairs will fall off

Expect hair loss implanted during the second month. However, do not let this happen to you. What falls is just hair and not tattoos.

In other words, the grafts are healthy and viable to regenerate hair growth. Hair loss is an essential part of the process and is essential for thick hair growth.

# 4 The results of eyebrow implants look natural

After one year of surgery, major changes in hair growth will stop. The result will be eyebrows with a natural appearance that you can trim, wax and even dye.

However, patients should know that frequent hair removal will lead to permanent damage. So, do not overdo it when you trimming!

# 5 Free of scar

Techniques such as the extraction of the porous unit and the extraction of sapphire unit allow strengthening the eyebrow with minimal risk. Unlike the extraction of the follicular unit, these methods do not cause nerve damage in donor areas. This is due to the invasive extraction process.
In addition, scarring cannot be seen on recipient and donor sites with the naked eye. So, probably no one will know you have had eyebrow surgery unless you tell her.

# 6 Eyebrow surgeries is about 3 hours

Eyebrow transplantation consists of several stages beginning with the extraction of the surgical units from the donor areas. The grafts are then maintained in a hypothermosol solution. The slit making phase begins afterwards.

During work, small blades are used to open channels for baits. The last part of eyebrow surgery is implantation. The entire process takes about three hours, from start to finish.

On beauty and you

Finally, I would say that you are beautiful from the inside out. Sometimes women change parts of their bodies for medical reasons, such as breast reconstruction after mastectomy. And I get it completely. But if you do it to please someone else, like her boyfriend, I want to say that your partner must love you unconditionally. So, even if your eyebrows have eased or gained a few pounds, then that should not change who I love you.

Also, plastic surgery is not the solution to mental health issues. If you are looking for changes in your appearance for this reason, this is not the solution. Instead, please talk to a loved one or ask your doctor for help to address what is going on inside your mind.

Transplanting eyebrows: some closing words

Eyebrow transplantation is an effective way to reshape and reshape eyebrows. If you would like to know more about hair transplants, contact UA Aesthetics for a free consultation with a medical specialist.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Liposuction’s Not Just For The Body

When you mention liposuction, people think of their lower stomach area, thighs, backside, and flanks. And those are great targets for typical liposuction.

But Dr. Usman focuses on the face, and just as with those other areas, the face can use the targeted fat removal that liposuction provides.


Body contouring is one thing, and changes in diet and exercise can have an effect. But contouring the face is more difficult. Full cheeks, a double chin, and drooping neck are all due to areas of unwanted fat. Although these are isolated areas, they can give others the impression that you’re overweight.

Dr. Usman Amiruddin uses facial liposuction to create ideal angles in the jaw and chin. This is called submental liposuction, and Dr. Usman Amiruddin is one of the few plastic surgeons who perform this procedure, thanks to his extensive knowledge of facial anatomy. Facial liposuction is a much more delicate procedure than body liposuction. Although a cannula is inserted through a tiny incision, just as with any liposuction, the movements are much more refined.


Dr. Usman Amiruddin uses facial liposuction to focus on these areas:
The chin— The dreaded double chin is usually due to fat that has accumulated under the jawline, making the skin sag downward. Facial liposuction reduces this drooping and tightens up the profile.

The neck — Fat that has accumulated in the neck area can give a person what is called turkey neck. Not exactly the monicker most people would like to have. The skin on the neck tends to become loose because it isn’t supported by underlying bone. That makes any fat deposits even more noticeable. Dr. Usman Amiruddin reduces drooping and fullness by removing the fat.

When facial liposuction is performed as a stand-alone treatment, recovery is not difficult. The pain is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medication. Most patients can return to work within a week of their procedure.

For more information about Prevention for hair fall and other treatment options, follow and join our Facebook official page CosmeticSurgery & Hair Hub on social media.

Are you a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation has remained one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures across the globe for years. Not only has it become more widely accepted and relatively easily available, but plastic surgeons have also made great strides in the way they are able to lift and shape the breasts.

While the decision to get breast implants is highly personal and can be extremely rewarding, patients should always perform their due diligence in determining whether or not this procedure is a good fit for them and whether they can make for good candidates.

Dr Usman Amiruddin is here to provide his patients with safe, effective surgical and non-surgical treatments for all areas of the body. I am a Certified Plastic Surgeon and medical aesthetics who focus on building the relationship with each patient while helping them to understand the procedure process. I provide all cosmetic, plastic & burn services under one umbrella.

Who is a good candidate for breast augmentation?

There are several criteria that patients should meet in order for a plastic surgeon to classify you as a good candidate for breast augmentation.

In general, you should be in good physical health. This means no active infections, untreated cancer or serious illnesses. If you have medical issues, it's important to discuss them with your surgeon so that he or she can help you decide whether or not breast implant surgery is suitable for you.

If your breasts are sagging, flattened, elongated, asymmetrical or lacking adequate cleavage or volume, there is a good chance that you're an excellent candidate for this surgery.

Most surgeons prefer that you do not smoke or consume significant amounts of alcohol.
Because this surgery can permanently alter your appearance, it's important for you to be in a healthy frame of mind when you decide on this surgery.

While this is a surgery that will change how you look, it's important to remember that it cannot fix body image issues or give you a wildly different appearance. You should maintain realistic expectations and listen to your surgeon's honest assessment of your goals.

The best candidate for breast augmentation understands the risks as well as the rewards. The surgery is generally considered safe, and implants are FDA-approved, but with any surgery, there are some risks.

You understand that breast enhancement should be done strictly for yourself and because you believe it will increase your own happiness or confidence. You should never get cosmetic work done because someone else wants you to.

You should have the ability to properly rest and recover post-surgery. You will not be able to perform certain tasks or do any heavy lifting, so it's important for you to have help in place.

For saline implants, the FDA requires you to be at least 18 years old. If you want silicone implants, the minimum age is 22.

Who is not a candidate for breast augmentation?

Generally speaking, anyone who is in reasonably good mental and physical health can be candidates for breast implants.

However, you are likely not a good candidate for this surgery if:

You're pregnant or breastfeeding.

You have breast cancer or an abnormal mammogram.

You're ill or battling an infection.

You have unrealistic expectations for post-surgery results.

Though most women can qualify for breast implants, it's vitally important that you are open and honest with your surgeon during your consultation. Even if breast implants are not right for you, he or she may be able to recommend an alternative course of action to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Is breast augmentation right for you?

Ultimately, the criteria above are just general guidelines to help you get an idea of whether or not breast augmentation can be right for you. Because every person is unique, the final decision on pursuing a breast augmentation is between you and your doctor. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon will allow you to get an honest medical opinion about your situation.

Breast augmentation is a highly personal choice that can help you to become a happier, sexier and more confident version of yourself, so don't hesitate to speak with a qualified plastic surgeon to find out if it's right for you and you're right for it.

For more information about Prevention for hair fall and other treatment options, follow and join our Facebook official page Cosmetic Surgery& Hair Hub on social media.

How to Make Your Buttocks Bigger

How Do I Get the Perfect Booty?

Most men and women prefer women to have nice, round, and ample buttocks. Lets face it, a girl might like people checking her out as she walks out the door. There are several things you can do at home to make your butt either grow or look bigger. Some of these methods aren't necessarily healthy, and some just mask the small-butted truth. They include:
·         Diet
·         Exercise (the best way, and what we'll cover here)
·         Injections, supplements, and pills
·         Drugs and medications
·         Creams and massage
·         Cosmetic surgery
·         Clothing choices

7 Exercises to Do for a Bigger, Rounder Butt

1.    Squats
2.    Jumping Squats
3.    One-Legged Pistol Squats
4.    Bird Dogs
5.    Mountain Climbers
6.    One-Legged Bridges
7.    Burpees

Dr Usman Amiruddin is here to provide his patients with safe, effective surgical and non-surgical treatments for all areas of the body. I am a Certified Plastic Surgeon and medical aesthetician who focus on building the relationship with each patient while helping them to understand the procedure process. I provide all cosmetic, plastic & burn services under one umbrella.

Exercises for a Bigger, Rounder Butt

There's nothing like good old-fashioned exercise to increase the size of your buttocks. Sticking to an exercise regimen long enough to see results takes drive and discipline. The right workout, combined with a proper diet, will give you the backside you’re looking for. 

Some basic butt exercises are squats and lunges. Specific types that work best include side lunges and jump squats. Note that you must consume protein and complex carbs to fuel your muscles while doing this workout.

It all boils down to this: If you want a nice, round, sexy bottom, you have to work for it. While some claim that pills, herbs, and creams will boost results, you still need to get off your butt and do some work.

1. Squat

·         Squats Stand with your feet at approximately shoulder width. Bend your knees to squat down, keeping your spine straight and your core tight. By changing the width of your stance, you can change the parts of your glutes that feel the burn. For a greater challenge, use weights.

2. Jumping Squat

·         Jump Squats Do a squat, but add a vertical jump at the end.

3. One-Legged Pistol Squat

·         One-Legged Pistol Squats These are super challenging, but are sure to have an impact on your rear end! Stand up straight and place your weight on one foot. Sticking the other leg out in front of you, slowly bend your standing leg knee and lower into a one-legged squat.

4. Bird Dog

·         Bird Dog Start on the ground on your hands and knees. At the same time, reach your right arm forward and your left leg back. Hold, and return your limbs to the ground. Repeat with the opposite limbs. Try ankle weights for more burn.

5. Mountain Climber

·         Mountain Climbers Assume a plank position. Maintaining your plank, jump your feet into the air, moving one foot forward and keeping the other foot back. Do it again, switching which leg goes in front, and keep up the motion at a rapid pace.

6. One-Legged Bridge

·         One-Legged Bridges Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips as high as you can can. When you reach the top, lift one foot in the air. Hold, and switch. Repeat as necessary.

7. Burpee

·         Burpees Starting from standing, bend over and place your hands on the ground, shooting your legs back into a plank position. Lower into a pushup, and back up to a plank. Jump your feet forward toward your hands so you're in a low squat. Finally, jump! Repeat.

·         Twerk! You know those girls you see at the club that twerk? Have you ever noticed that they usually have a nice booty? Twerking is a great butt workout.

Does Fast Food Give You a Bigger Butt?

Let me say first that eating fast food is a bad idea in the long run, and may not even help you get a better butt. All that fat won't just go to your buttocks; it will also go to your stomach, thighs, and arms. This "method" will only make you obese, and give you a flabby, sloppy butt. Not only that, fast food is horrible for you, and eating too much of it can lead to life-threatening health problems.

My advice, if you want a better butt, is to eat healthy food. Try to consume a balanced amount of protein, complex carbs, fruits, and vegetables. Complex carbs include sweet potatoes, lettuce, corn, oatmeal, whole wheat bread and pasta, and most fruit. In order to keep your metabolism up, eat a snack or small meal every two to three hours.

Pills, Supplements, and Injections that Promise a Bigger Butt

There are pills out there which claim to enlarge your rear end, though you'd be right to be skeptical about them. These pills are said to contain a high quantity of diosgenin, estrogen, progesterone, and natural phytoestrogens, claiming that these hormones naturally enhance a woman's curves without adding any extra weight to your stomach, face, arms, or waist. Some examples are:

·         Aguaje pills believed to contain plant-derived phytoestrogens, which mimic human estrogen and enhance a woman's curves.

·         Fish oil has been connected to all sorts of health benefits, thanks to its Omega fatty acids. Some claim that oral and topical use of fish oil can enhance curves.

·         Vitamin E like fish oil is said to have many health benefits, especially for skin, cellulite, and stretch marks. Even if it doesn't make your butt grow, and will likely make the skin look smoother and tighter.

Massage for a Bigger, Rounder Booty

An intense lymphatic massage on the buttocks is said to be able to reshape the buttocks and improve circulation to the area. Combine the massage with an algae wrap to discourage cellulite. This massage will work the deep tissues in your behind and rejuvenate your cells, giving you better curves and making the skin on your buttocks glow.

Specially, some say that by mixing soybean and fenugreek oils, massaging the buttocks with the mixture, and leaving the oil on overnight, the bottom will gradually increase in size.

Topical Creams that Claim to Improve Your Butt

Some people use creams that claim to enhance their buttocks. But how do they work? Such creams and lotions contain ingredients that can effectively tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks, cellulite, and other types of wrinkles. As with pills, the best way to get better result is to add butt-working exercises and a proper diet.

I found this DIY fish-oil rub. Some people claim that fish oil and vitamin E promote growth. According to them the fats and anti-oxidants in these ingredients improve circulation and elasticity. While there's been no conclusive evidence supporting its effectiveness, these oils are at the very least good for your skin.

Topical Fish Oil Rub
1.    For each cheek, mix the contents of one fish oil capsule and one vitamin E capsule.
2.    Rub the mixture on your buttocks.
3.    Cover your buttocks with plastic wrap.
4.    Wait for 15 minutes so the mixture is absorbed properly.
5.    Swallow two fish oil pills with an eight-ounce glass of water.

Cosmetic Surgery: Butt Implants

Cosmetic surgery—namely, buttock implants—is an extreme option. A surgeon inserts artificial buttocks, usually made of semi-solid silicone, under the skin, either on top of or underneath the gluteus muscles. Most butt-implant surgeries are done as outpatient surgery these days, meaning there's no overnight hospital stay, and recovery is likely to be a week or two.

So what are the drawbacks? Surgery can expensive, usually costing between $5,000 and $10,000. I also comes with risks: bad reactions to anesthesia, bleeding, infection, nerve damage, or the implant may rupture. If the implant shifts or leaks, you could find yourself going under the knife again.

Fat Transfer Surgery on the Buttocks

A fat transfer, also called a Brazilian butt lift or fat graft, is another surgical option for those who don't want butt implants. In this procedure, a specialist will liposuction fat from one part of your body—usually the arms, thighs, or stomach—to your rear end. A fat transfer gives you the natural look of having a fuller backside. This option is usually more affordable than implants.

When you get the procedure, the specialist will first determine what kind of buttocks you have and how they can be molded. He or she will also determine where to get the fat from. After the surgery you may experience some swelling for a few weeks. It's very important that you do not wear any tight clothing, as the area that received fat will need blood flow to nourish the new fat. Along with the normal risks that come with all surgeries, Brazilian butt lifts aren't always permanent, and fat can be reabsorbed away from where you want it. Fat transfer is also more expensive than implant surgery, likely running from $7,000 to $12,000.

Beware of Black-Market Butt Remedies

You may have heard of people receiving injections outside of a hospital in order to get a bigger butt. These injections are incredibly dangerous. Black-market injections are not preformed or condoned by a doctor, and usually contain a mixture of cement, mineral oil, and tire sealant. The victims are usually trying to get a job at a nightclub and can't afford real plastic surgery. When the materials shift in the buttocks, the effects are horrible infections and toxicity.

The Right Clothes Make a Big Difference!

The right clothing and footwear can make your booty look toned and round. For starters, try pants that stretch at the waist and hug your curves, making your butt appear bigger. Even the panties you wear can make your butt appear bigger. Wearing high heels with correct posture will make your booty more round and lifted. A great outfit for showing off your derrière is a body-conscious dress and high heels.

You can also get padding. Just like how a padded or push-up bra makes your chest pop, the same can be done for your butt. Padded briefs and shorts will give you sexy curves and the ultimate butt lift. No longer limited to undergarments, manufacturers of butt-enhancing products have branched out to padded jeans and dresses that create the illusion of bigger, firmer buttocks.

 For more information about Prevention for hair fall and other treatment options, follow and join our Facebook official page Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Hub on social media.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

10 Golden Rules to Help you Take Care of your Skin on an Everyday Basis.

Specific care for each skin type

In order to take care of and respect your skin, first and foremost make sure to choose products specially designed for your skin type. Dry skin does not have the same needs as oily skin.

Dr. Usman Amiruddin is here to provide patients with safe and effective surgical treatments for all areas of the body. I am a certified plastic surgeon and a medical cosmetician who focuses on building the relationship with each patient and helping them understand the surgery. The oldest all cosmetic and plastic services are burning under one umbrella.

Pay special attention to fragile areas

Some parts of your face (eye contour, lips, etc.) have particularly fine, fragile skin. They need specific care, especially the eye contour and the lips. These areas of your face are more sensitive and deserve special attention.

Rule 3

Gentle cleansing

Taking care of sensitive skin begins with make-up removal.  In order not to stress your skin and to respect its natural balance, make sure to use a pH-neutral make-up remover, specially formulated to cleanse your epidermis gently.

Rule 4

Eyes: a risk area

The eye contour skin is ten times finer than the skin on the rest of the face. Choose a specific routine for make-up removal in this area.

Rule 5

Exfoliation is indispensable

Use a suitable exfoliation treatment once or twice a week. It must be effective yet gentle and respectful. Choose a pH-neutral exfoliation product, which is perfect for smoothing and purifying the skin while respecting its natural balance.

Rule 6

Moisturizing is essential

The dermis is made up of 70% water and the epidermis, 15%. In order to keep the skin well moisturized, it is important to choose daily moisturizing skin care products that balance the level of water within the skin. You may also use a moisturizing mask regularly, removing the excess with a spring water spray.

Rule 7

Preferably hypoallergenic make-up

To avoid the risk of allergies linked to the use of products that are not suited to your skin, choose hypoallergenic make-up specially formulated to meet the needs of all skin and eye types, even sensitive skin.

Sun protection

Whatever the season, choose daily skincare products that include solar filters. They reduce the harmful effects of the sun, which accelerates skin ageing.

Rule 9

Watch out for external stress

Pollution, smoke, stress… All these have harmful effects on the skin. Use skincare products to protect your skin against these daily stresses before leaving the house and cleanse your skin thoroughly when you come home in the evening.

Rule 10

Don't neglect the lips

As soon as you feel the need, use a restorative cream for the lips.  Do not hesitate to reapply to this particularly fragile area as often as necessary.

For more information about Prevention for hair fall and other treatment options, follow and join our Facebook official page Cosmetic Surgery& Hair Hub on social media.

5 Tips for Healthy Skin Dr Usman Amiruddin

Don't have time for intensive skin care? You can still pamper yourself by acing the basics. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay natural aging and prevent various skin problems. Get started with these five no-nonsense tips.

Dr. Usman Amiruddin is here to provide patients with safe and effective surgical treatments for all areas of the body. I am a certified plastic surgeon and a medical cosmetician who focuses on building the relationship with each patient and helping them understand the surgery. The oldest all cosmetic and plastic services are burning under one umbrella.

1. Protect yourself from the sun

One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems — as well as increase the risk of skin cancer.

For the most complete sun protection:

    Use sunscreen. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Apply sunscreen generously, and reapply every two hours — or more often if you're swimming or perspiring.

         Seek shade. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun's rays are strongest.

         Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats. Also consider laundry additives, which give clothing an additional layer of ultraviolet protection for a certain number of washings, or special sun-protective clothing — which is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays.

2. Don't smoke

Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow and makes skin paler. This also depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health.

Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — the fibers that give your skin strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — can contribute to wrinkles.

In addition, smoking increases your risk of squamous cell skin cancer. If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Ask your doctor for tips or treatments to help you stop smoking.

3. Treat your skin gently

Daily cleansing and shaving can take a toll on your skin. To keep it gentle:
·         Limit bath time. Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Limit your bath or shower time, and use warm — rather than hot — water.

·         Avoid strong soaps. Strong soaps and detergents can strip oil from your skin. Instead, choose mild cleansers.

·         Shave carefully. To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving. For the closest shave, use a clean, sharp razor. Shave in the direction the hair grows, not against it.

4. Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The association between diet and acne isn't clear — but some research suggests that a diet rich in fish oil or fish oil supplements and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates might promote younger looking skin. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin hydrated.

5. Manage stress

Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin — and a healthy state of mind — take steps to manage your stress. Get enough sleep, set reasonable limits, scale back your to-do list and make time to do the things you enjoy. The results might be more dramatic than you expect.

For more information about Prevention for hair fall and other treatment options, follow and join our Facebook official page Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Hub on social media.