Wednesday, May 15, 2019

All you need to know about Hair Loss for Men

What factors can cause hair loss?

Unfortunately, about 85% of men will have thin hair by the age of 50, so it is perfectly normal if you are starting to lose some hair. Almost all hair loss in men results from baldness in men, a genetic trait that comes from your parents. A hormone called DHT causes hair follicles to shrink. Eventually it becomes so small that hair cannot grow in it.

Another cause of hair loss is alopecia, a condition in which a person loses spots of hair from random parts of the body. In extreme cases, this may affect all the hair on the body. Alopecia is believed to have genetic factors and autoimmune diseases (where the body attacks itself by mistake).

Other causes may include certain diseases, stress, increased vitamin A, or insufficient protein. But there is good news; it is often the opposite of hair loss caused by retrograde male baldness.

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Hair Loss Myths

Wear hats often can lead to hair loss? The answer is no, wearing hats will not put you at greater risk of baldness. So unless you wear a swimming cap every day (sorry swimmers) there is nothing to worry about really.

Can stress lead to baldness? Yes, this can happen, but hair loss associated with stress usually occurs only in extreme cases. Even if this happens, the hair will usually grow again once you reduce the tension.

Washing your hair too much can lead to hair loss? We probably know this feeling of mild panic in the bathroom when you can not but notice the hair fall off your head. Do not panic, because it is very natural! The average person has about 100,000 hair on their heads, and about 50 to 100 of these hairs will fall off every day, regardless of whether you use shampoo or not.

Treatment of hair loss

Unfortunately, there is no cure for masculine baldness, but some medications can help slow it down. For example, Monoxide is an FDA-approved non-prescription drug that you can apply to your scalp. This will slow the rate of hair loss and can help some men grow hair more. However, once you stop using it, hair loss returns.

What can you do too?

As funny as it may sound, hairpiece is one of the options that can help hide balding. There is a wide range of cost and quality, so it may take some time to choose the appropriate one. Hair styles also require periodic maintenance,

You can also think about getting a hair transplant. The doctor will transfer healthy hair from the back and side of your head to the top. Keep in mind that the process may be expensive and you may need to do this several times before it works. After two months, your hair will grow again as it has been removed and will begin to appear naturally within 6 months.

Make the most of what you have

Hair styling tricks can make hair loss less noticeable. Some hair care products may add volume to what you already have. Also, a balanced diet can help maintain the health of your hair and slow the process of hair loss slightly.

At the end of the day, the pattern of male baldness is quite natural and we all have to deal with it at some point in our lives. Do not forget that hair does not make man.

For more information about Prevention for hair fall and other treatment options, follow and join our Facebook official page Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Hub on social media.

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