Sunday, May 5, 2019

Hair Transplant to the Young Patient

The hair transplant industry often meets young patients who are very interested in proceeding with hair transplantation.

In general, a young patient is identified as any person less than 25 years of age. Care must be taken when contacting these cases.

Young patients should know that while they transplant hair into thin or thin areas, the hair loss of their existing native hair will continue and a new slimming area will be created that will also require coverage. Dr UsmanAmiruddin is here to provide his patients with safe, effective surgical and non-surgical treatments for all areas of the body. I am a Certified Plastic Surgeon and medical aesthetics who focus on building the relationship with each patient while helping them to understand the procedure process. I provide all cosmetic, plastic & burn services under one umbrella.

Young patients are divided into 3 main types:

TYPE 1: Aerial loss in temporary areas.

These types of patients begin to lose hair at their temples and are so worried that they want to replace lost hair.

This is sometimes not the best solution. Hair loss will continue and when the hair is transplanted to temporary areas, it is possible that soon the hairline will begin to recede and the hair behind the transplanted temporary area will also begin to recede. This can leave the young patient with two patches of hair on the left and right temple. If this happens, then the patient has no other option to proceed with more surgeries to replace the emptying areas, otherwise he will be left with a strange look. It is very important in these cases to examine the current condition of the donor and recipient areas and the patient's family history of hair loss.

This will help to roughly predict the Norwood scale of what might end in the future and then a decision can be made on how to proceed. If the patient does not have a predisposition for a high Norwood scale, then we can proceed

UA Aesthetic Hair Clinic

TYPE 2:• Retraction of hair and temporary areas.

This type of young patient has already reached the stage of having the sensation of losing his youth. A significant amount of funicular units will be needed to replace these areas, which may be around 3,500 funicular units. In this case, one should examine the family history of hair loss and predict the final stage that baldness could reach. We also need to examine the quality of the funicular units in the donor area.

If we determine that this patient is a Nor wood Class 7 potential, it is better to avoid hair transplant surgery since the donor area may not be enough to cover potential baldness. If the patient is a potential Nor wood Class 5 or 6, then hair transplantation is possible as long as the individual understands the limitations related to density. If a very high density is used to cover the front and the crown, then future areas of baldness may not be supported by the donor area to maintain this high density.

Then, in this case a more conservative approach should be applied and the patient should settle for an average density to cover his baldness.
In general, young patients have higher expectations, since they recently lost their hair and may not be willing to settle for anything less. Before continuing, they must have realistic expectations, otherwise we can end up with dis satisfied patients.

TYPE 3:• Top and recoil crown

This type of young patient needs a lot of caution. This is the type that will probably end up in a high class 7 and a hair transplant may not be recommended. We need to carefully examine the history of hair loss on the mother's and father's side and identify if it has reached the final levels of hair loss or if it has a potential hair loss in the future. This is what we call hair replacement for the extremely bald and these patients should know their options. They can only replace their hair with a line of mature, low density hair and with the help of beard donor hair. Another option is to leave the crown uncovered, but still has a natural look.

These cases should be examined individually and advice given according to parameters such as:

• expected final stage of hair loss,
• Density of the remaining donor,
• Quality of the funicular units in the donor.
• And expectations.

UA Aesthetic Hair Clinic is very concerned about the right approach for all its patients and especially for young people. We are committed to giving the correct advice and, if necessary, advising patients to avoid surgery if we believe that hair transplantation will not be the best for them.

This is a unique decision in life and UA Aesthetic wants to make sure that you make the right decision.

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